Althouse Arboretum
Scout Programs
Contact us today to schedule a visit with your troop!
We are excited to offer all inclusive programs for your troop! Below are the initial programs we will offer at the Arboretum, however, if your group has special needs or interests do not hesitate to let us know and we can create the best program for you. We have many other opportunities at the Arboretum as well including volunteer work, Eagle Scout projects, Gold Award projects, and space to hold meetings. All programs have a minimum of 10 scouts, consider joining another troop if you have only a few members.
Learn about using a compass and map before setting off in the Arboretum to find ten stations with flags and punches. This is a fun way to get active as a troop. The scouts’ level of skill and ability will change the difficulty of the course. This program is about 2 hours long and can be offered weekdays during the spring and fall and only on weekends in the summer.
Investment: $10 per scout
Hike and Campfire
Come to the Arboretum for a guided hike to learn about native plants and signs of wildlife. After, enjoy a campfire with smores! The more singing, the better! Ideally, this would be an evening program depending on sunset. This is a one and a half-hour program.
Investment: $5 per scout
Specialized Scout Program
We offer many programs of different sizes to meet the needs of your scouts. Please contact us if you are interested in a special program.
Eagle Scouts and Gold Awards
Please contact us if you are interested in completing your project at the Althouse Arboretum. We have lots of experience and can help guide you toward a successful project.
Contact Ken at for projects